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On 25th October, FIDAL and 6G4Society organized a joint workshop entitled Embracing Key Values and Key Values Indicators: How can SNS projects drive sustainable change? The event started with three presentations that respectively looked at the activities being carried out by 6G4Society as a Coordination and Support Action Project under the SNS JU, an overview of FIDAL's example of the KVI work carried out to date and a last presentation introducing the KVI methodology laid out on the journal paper: Key value indicators: A framework for values-driven next-generation ICT solutions. 

The presentations were followed by two key activities that explored: i) how SNS projects are working with Key Value Indicators (KVIs) to address positive impacts of 6G innovation on society, including their hopes and fears in this process and 2) challenges and best practices in defining and implementing KVIs in ways that show impact. The aim if these interactive sessions was to better identify what are the expected outcomes from using KVIs.  Detailed follow-up from the event will be shared in the coming weeks widely.