On 21st November, FIDAL held a webinar on Advancing Public Protection and Disaster Relief: Innovation examples from the SNS Community. This event provided a platform to present some technologies that are currently being developed and/or tested in the PPDR vertical across several SNS projects. Typologies of innovations that were presented during the event included: Non-Terrestrial Networks, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Augmented and Extended Reality, Technology for Situational Awareness.
During the event, guests had the opportunity to hear from the following projects:
- ISEE-6G on Improving reliability for Mission Critical Applications using ISAC and sensing-aided communications
- 5G-STARDUST on NTN for PPDR in 5G-Advanced
- 6G-NTN on NTN for public safety communication requirements
- FIDAL on Networked XR Medial Applications, and Enhancing Law Enforcement Agents Situational Awareness via AR and 5G
- IMAGINE B-5G on ADAPT-5G Advanced Drone-Assisted Port Technology with 5G
- RIGOUROUS on Securing PPDR-based scenarios
- FIDAL on Utilizing 5G Networks to Enhance Operational Efficiency for First Responders
Presentations and recording from the event are all available at the following link: WEBINAR MATERIAL