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Charalabos Gizas, Christos Tranoris


FIDAL promises to deliver a platform and necessary enablers that will support advanced and ambitious 5G advanced use cases targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, allowing Media & PPDR vertical industry players to perform advanced technological and business validation in large-scale field trials of highly innovative and advanced applications that exploit Evolved 5G technologies, while it needs to adapt to the emerging 5G challenges and the open calls that are planned by FIDAL. 

This document lays the foundation for establishing the groundwork necessary for realizing the concepts of FIDAL. By conducting detailed analyses, addressing security considerations, integrating beyond 5G towards 6G technologies and services, defining open interfaces, adapting the architecture, and establishing repositories, it provides the essential guidelines and infrastructure for the successful execution of large-scale use cases on the FIDAL fabric. 

The use cases in focus are aimed at assessing the potential of beyond 5G technology in the Media and PPDR vertical industries, with a consideration of societal aspects and key value indicators (KVIs). 

The FIDAL use cases in the context of the Media vertical industries are as follows: 

• UC1: Internet of senses/haptic sensing 

• UC4: Advanced sports area media services 

• UC5: Virtual reality networked music performance 

• UC7: Small village engagement services 

The FIDAL use cases in the context of the PPDR vertical industries are as follows: 

• UC2: Digital twin for first responders 

• UC3: City security event/Incident 

• UC6: XR-assisted services for public safety